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Multicooltural garden party

multiCOOLtural garden party - Foto: Paweł Mazur

Fun, knowledge, barbecue. That is how we could describe the Friday evening. Groups of different nationalities presented what is worth seeing in their homeland, who are the important personalities in fields of culture, politics or science, what are the typical dishes and drinks one should taste and what folk songs, dance and traditions have been handed down through generations in their country.

Third session of the Culture Lab

Third session of the Culture Lab - Foto: Paweł Mazur

The museum and its audience – Partners in the interpretation process!?!?

25 x 25 Dialogue of cultures

25 x 25 Dialogue of cultures - Foto: Paweł Mazur

This year marks the 25. Anniversary of the Polish-German Treaty of Good Neighbourship and Friendly Cooperation. Referring to this special occasion, the programme of the fourth day of the Visegrad Summerschool thematised historical retrospect and trilateral cultural dialogue.


Treaties and societies

Future of the University in Central Europe –...

Future of the University in Central Europe – interactive lecture - Foto: Paweł Mazur

An interactive lecutre on university education in V4 countries and in the EU was held by Samuel Abrahám, rector of and lecturer at the Bratislava International School of Liberal Arts (BISLA), also lecturer at the department of political science at the Comenius University in Bratislava.

Ressources! Make them out! - session of the...

Messages, values and needs

The participants were taught on this day the importance of messages: such as lectures, books and speeches have a very clear message in the end, so should also cultural projects. Łucja Piekarska-Duraj wanted the participants to think about their personal heroes they named the day before: “What motto, what message could they have to transmit?“ Some of the mottos the group members came up with were “Don't be a fool“ (referring to August Landmesser who rejected the Hitlergruß in 1936), “No pain, no game“ (referring to Andrássy Gyula, Hungarian statesman and insurgent against Habsburg), “Culture needs equality“ (referring to Shushanik Khurginyan, an influencial Armenian feminist writer).



