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Creation, innovation, synergy

Creation, innovation, synergy Labs - Foto: Paweł Mazur

Science to business

Today’s VSS workshops started from the meeting with Karol Szyndzielorz who is currently the advisor of the Executive Board of Simens Polska. He began his professional career as a daily reporter in „Życie Warszawy”, he also worked as a foreign correspondent. He was an observer of many important historical moments like 1968 in Prague or the Round Table debates in Warsaw in 1989. He worked for global companies like Zasada (Mercedes Polska), Media Group in 1996. We also had an opportunity to discuss with our guest such actual topics like education providing innovation in modern societies, new tendencies in green technologies. He underlined that „Skills of skilled people worth more than money”.

Writing for local space and responsibility

Writing for local space and responsibility - Foto: Paweł Mazur

The first meeting in Academia Lab started with acquaintance with … Felix Caputu and the participants of the group. We shared our expectations from this course and started discussion about academic writing. First of all, we covered some basics of writing and than moved to such constituents of this process as audience, momentum, proofreading, qualitative and quantitative approaches and so on.

Paths into the future

Paths into the future - Foto: Paweł Mazur

Introduction to Central Europe

Session of the Culture Lab

Session of the Culture Lab - Foto: Paweł Mazur

Got an idea?

Creation, innovation, synergy – introduction, 5th...

Creation, innovation, synergy – introduction, 5th July - Foto: Paweł Mazur

Besides lectures, there is also training and coaching in working groups part of the VSS educational programme. This year, the participants could choose between the following three laboratories: Academia, Business and Culture.



