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Recruitment to 13 edition of the Visegrad Summer...

We are very happy to inform that until today we have received 367 full applications and that 593 profiles of candidates were open by candidates who come from 29 countries. The process of recruitment will close on 30 April with announcement of the approved candidates. Each candidate should register and provide an on-line application form.

What can Ukraine expect from the West now?

Myroslav Marynovych

I write to you as a former prisoner of conscience of the Brezhnev era. All other titles are rapidly losing sense in the light of the bleeding Ukrainian Maidan.

All my life I admired Western civilization as the realm of values. Now I am close to rephrasing Byron’s words: “Frailty, thy name is Europe!” The strength of bitterness here is matched by the strength of our love for Europe.

Visegrad Literary Residency Program 2014 – call...

Visegrad Literary Residency Program 2014

The Visegrad Literary Residency Program, established 2012 by the International Visegrad Fund, consists of a series of residency stays and literary events addressed to writers of fiction and non-fiction, poets, essayists, critics as well as literary translators, publicists and journalists from the Visegrad Countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia).

13. Visegrad Summer School - information for...

13. Visegrad Summer School will be held from 29 June to 12 July 2014. Call for applications will be open and more details will be announced on 1 March 2014.

Open Letter from Ukrainian writer Yuri...

Empathise with us. Think about us. We shall overcome all the same, no matter how hard they rage - writes Yuri Andrukhovych at his open letter published at Czarne Publishing House's facebook page.

Full text in German and Polish at http://www.e-radar.pl/pl,artykuly,12,3246.html?ch_lng=ua

English version available at http://www.neweasterneurope.eu/articles-and-commentary/1061-open-letter-from-ukrainian-writer-yuri-andrukhovych



