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Statement by Grupa Zagranica on the restriction...

Non-governmental organisations involved in international cooperation express their solidarity with Ukrainian society, and appeal to the Polish authorities to react to the restriction of fundamental civil liberties in Ukraine.

On January 16, the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada—in violation of parliamentary procedures—enacted amendments to Ukrainian law which seriously restrict fundamental civil rights and liberties. This new legislation may be deployed against the participants of peaceful demonstrations which have been drawing thousands of citizens out into the streets of Ukrainian cities since November 2013. These amendments are also directed against non-governmental organisations, the independent media, and opposition politicians.

Grupa Zagranica appeals to the Polish authorities to take a firm stand on the Ukrainian authorities’ anti-democratic actions. Organisations express solidarity with Ukrainian society, as well as admiration and respect for the millions of Ukrainians proving every day that their country’s rightful place lies in a United Europe.

Central Europe fit for the future - report by the...

Report presented by Central European Policy Institute in Bratislava and demosEUROPA - Centre for European Strategy in Warsaw. Central Europe is one of the European Union’s most astounding success stories. Ten years after accession, the region speaks confidently for itself in Europe and internationally.

"After the Welfare State” the fourth issue...

"After the Welfare State” the fourth issue of Visegrad Insight, discusses the question of how we will take care after each other in the future. The issue is available in electronic formats (PDF, mobi or epub) at our website www.visegradinsight.eu or in print version in selected bookstores worldwide.

Lost in transition or fit for the future? Central...

Lost in transition or fit for the future?
Central Europe Ten Years After EU Accession

Visegrad Winter Seminar in Győr, Hungary - call...

The Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Széchenyi István University in Győr, Hungary organizes a Winter Seminar Law, Politics, Economy and Society

in Central and Eastern Europe between 24-28 February 2014.


Further information: http://apt.sze.hu



